If you’re planning to propose, you’ve probably Googled a million things about rings, timing, locations… all the things. There’s a lot to figure out.
The good news is that you’re not alone in this! Hiring a professional photographer to help you plan and photograph your proposal is super important, and not just for the obvious reasons.
Let’s dig in to the 6 reasons you should consider hiring a proposal photographer 👇👇
OF COURSE this needs to be #1 on the list. It’s extremely possible that you’ll both black out while you’re proposing! Even if you have a long speech prepared, afterward you might not remember how it all went down.
It’s amazing (and a little funny) how many people completely forget to ask the question “Will you marry me?” because the rush of emotions takes over and it all becomes a blur! This is why you’ll love having photos of the whole thing!
Trust me, even if your significant other hasn’t mentioned wanting a photographer there to photograph your proposal someday, they’ll love it! After you propose, they’ll probably have tons of questions about how you planned and pulled off such an amazing surprise. It’s even more impressive if you’ve hired a pro to photograph it all.
“What?? You hired a photographer?? No way!” I’ve heard this so many times.
From How They Asked: “We surveyed more than 1,000 women about their ideal proposal and learned that capturing the moment with photos ranked higher than selecting the perfect ring.”
Wow! 🤯
Most people I work with only tell a few family members or friends that they plan to propose. Sometimes, I’m the ONLY one who knows! Some people are afraid their family would accidentally let it slip, and some are just private people. There’s nothing wrong with that!
But, there’s no reason that you should be completely alone during the planning process. It’s helpful to talk to someone else who’s “in” on the plan. Bounce ideas off each other to make the proposal as awesome as it can be.
Speaking of that…
Hiring a professional who will not only photograph your proposal, but help you plan and organize your ideas will make a HUGE difference in how your proposal goes down.
Your photographer can help you choose the best location and time of day. They can even tell you where to stand and which direction to face. They’ll sense how much assistance you need, and they’ll help you make decisions to create a proposal that’s perfect for the two of you.
While it may be tempting to save money by having a friend or family member take pictures on their phone (or even a nice camera), there are big risks involved with this. Aside from the photos not being great, you’ll lose out on a photographer’s knowledge and tips that have come from photographing many proposals before. Plus, if your significant other knows this person, you risk ruining the surprise by them noticing your friend before you propose.
For many people, one of the most important aspects of their proposal is making sure it’s a SURPRISE. The surprised look on her face is one of the things they look forward to the most.
Have you thought about adding some “bonus surprises”? This can be fun activities planned throughout the day, family being there to celebrate with you, an afterparty, or a fancy dinner afterward. There are so many ways to keep the surprises coming.
Having a photographer there is an amazing bonus surprise!
Of course, having photos for your own personal memories is wonderful, but you can also share the photos with friends and family!
Here are more ways to use your photos:
Your parents will also LOVE seeing photos your proposal. This way, you’ll enjoy those moments in private, and they’ll get to see how it all happened without physically being there.
Side note – This is why I deliver all of my proposal galleries in the same day! I know that you’ll want to share your photos quickly, so you’ll have your full gallery just hours afterward!
Look for a photographer who…
Blog: How to Uplevel Your Proposal: Go Above & Beyond >
Blog: Best Places to Propose in Austin, Texas >
Blog: Choosing a Location for Your Proposal >
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